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10 Ways to Get Organized in 10 Minutes or Less

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When it comes to organizing, ten minutes of work can lead to a lifetime of change. A lifetime! Of change for the better! Next time you're tempted to stare into space for ten minutes straight, take a look at these ways that you can spend those precious minutes getting yourself organized.

1) Unsubscribe from junk emails.

2) Throw out any old (moldy, fermented, crusty, etc.) food from your fridge.

3) Install hooks to the back of your closet door and hang bags, scarves or frequently worn sweatshirts on it.

4) Close any open cabinets or drawers.

5) Label the lids of your spices so they'll be easier to find next time you're cooking.

6) Turn an old shoebox or container into storage for sentimental keepsakes and throw in the keepsake items that don't have a home.

7) Empty any trash out of your jacket pockets or hidden at the bottom of your bag.

8) Recycle any old magazines, junk mail or expired coupons.

9) Test your pen and marker collection and throw away any used up or faulty members.

10) Arrange your coat closet so the most frequently worn coats are most accessible.

Best ten minutes of your life, eh?!