It's Time To Swap Out Your Clothing! (!!!!!)


I salute the people that “looooooove the cold weather” but mostly think they’re delirious and can’t relate to them. Which is why I’m super excited to announce that it’s time to swap out winter clothing for summer gear! Or do the opposite if you live in Australia. Sorry, Aussies, come visit.

There are few feelings better than kissing the winter goodbye and welcoming in another summer. So let’s get our wardrobes on the same page and shuffle those sweaters out of our faces for a solid six months. Whether you’ve got a huge closet that fits it all or a teeny-tiny one that can only accommodate what you’re wearing this week, there are moves to be made this time of year. Here are a few to consider because there’s no reason to stare at sweaters when you’re too hot to put pants on.

1) Take advantage of the space under your bed! This storage mecca is a fantastic resting place for out-of-season wear so load it up with plastic containers (these have wheels for easy moving) and fill ‘em with winter clothing, hats, scarves, or boots. Seal them with a kiss and “see ya in October.”

2) Keep those sweaters in air-tight containers. To best fight off moths or bugs, store your sweater collection in plastic containers so they don’t get ruined over the summer. Holes no more.

3) Swap piles front to back. There are a few things that can so wonderfully be exchanged for each other. Like tights-bathing suits, and sweatpants-shorts. When you’re wearing one, you ain’t wearing the other. So stick the category that you’re not wearing anymore behind the category that you are. It’s a major space saver!

4) Consider what you did and didn’t wear. The end of the season is a great time to think about the things that you tried to wear and failed. Again and again. Ya, like that sweater that you wished fit differently. Or those pants that you thought would amp up your wardrobe but are dreadfully uncomfortable. Now’s the time to face the fact: you’re not going to wear it next year. Goodbye!

5) Focus on purchases you love. It’s easy to feel like you have nothing to wear at the beginning of a season (what the heck did you wear last year??). So, as always, avoid impulse buys and create a wardrobe that you absolutely love and will wear again and again. Because when in doubt, just wear what you did yesterday.

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