Goodbye, Summer. Hello, Tidiness


The fall equinox sets in on September 22nd but let's admit it, school has begun and the summer is over. Wa wa wa. I say the only way to make this better is to do some post-summer organizing and get ready for the fall. Here are some easy and quick ways to face the facts and kiss Summer 2014 goodbye:

1) Purge the clothing that you tried to wear this summer and hated. Odds are that if you can't stand the way you look in something this year, it certainly won't satisfy you in a year from now. Be realistic and don't be afraid to make a trip to the donation center.

2) Put that summer gear into storage. It's painful but let's face it: you won't need those beachy lounge chairs for your upcoming leaf peeping trips. Under the bed, the tops of shelving units, or the backs of closets are good places to store these goods until next year.

3) Give your bathroom a good scrub down. Summertime comes along with lots of sand, oily sunscreen and constant showering in an attempt to keep cool. I have no doubt that your bathroom took a lot of abuse this past season so freshen it up with a thorough cleaning. Feel free to blast tunes that remind you of the last few months, "the good ol' days."

4) Set some goals for the next season. It's nice to use these transitions as new beginnings. Grab a pen and paper and jot down some major goals that you want to accomplish in the fall. Think about ways that you're going to motivate yourself to get things done (reward and punishment charts, anyone?) and then set smaller goals throughout the season.

Now it's time to start counting down to Summer 2015. This'll help.