The Best Kitchen Organizing Products (for my home and hopefully yours!)
I moved to a brand-spanking-new, never-been-used, I-never-wanna-leave apartment and life is great! You see, my last kitchen was wonderfully dear to my heart, but it was old and had layers of oldness built into it. One of those spaces that although everything had a proper home (and things were always in their homes), never felt clean despite my constant spritzing and scrubbing. So this is a real treat. Throw in all of my wedding gifts and Tidy Husband and I are basically the most lucky couple on the block. I could go on for days. But I won't.
Point is that I worked/have been working really hard to make sure the tidiness and practicality level in my new kitchen is near perfect. That means multiple trips to Bed Bath and Beyond, Ikea and The Container Store to swap around spatulas if their handles are too bulky or add another container to fully maximize a nook that I found in the back left corner of a cabinet. It runs deep.
But enough about me. I want you to learn some of the lessons and tips that have gone into creating my v tidy kitchen. Photo proof (and links, obvs) included. Go nuts!
Soap Dispenser + Sponge Holder
I hate the way a plastic soap detergent bottle looks on my kitchen counter. So I got this super clean and simple one for $8 from IKEA and the problem is solved! With the OXO sponge holder by its side, I'd say this couple can't be beat.
The Magical Dish Drying Rack
There are few things worse than a drying rack taking up all of your counter space (right??). This guy sits over the sink, can be rolled up and put away, and is super attractive! I'm sweating from excitement.
Additional Shelf
Here's a wonderful solution for maximizing the vertical space under your sink - add a shelf! I've got my pile of clean rags, bin with garbage bags/extra sponges and dishwasher detergent on top and Pyrex hanging out down below. I wasn't thrilled about storing Pyrex under my sink but there was no better way and this solution helped.
If you've gotta store your spices on a shelf, putting them in a bin and labeling the tops is a fantastic solution to the search for the spice you need. Pull out the entire bin and grab what you need before your saucey concoction starts to burn on the stove. Heck, add bins wherever you need to contain like-ingredients (baking goods, for example).
The Elfa System
Since I have a small kitchen and little room for food storage, I installed this Elfa system to the backs of my coat closet doors and viola! Problem solved! Each of them holds tons of stuff and everything is really easy to see and grab. I knew I wanted one of these in my new home and I'm proud to say that I now have two. #blessed
Command Hooks. Always.
Oh, another great way to maximize storage that you didn't even know you had! I have two Command hooks on the backs of the doors under the sink - one for pot holders and one for my "active rag" (dead serious). They go on and come off easily and are true winners. Stick them wherever.